Resting Con Face — A Mug Not Even a Mother Could Trust

Aaron DeBee
5 min readJun 7, 2018

There are those among us who are so personable, so magnetic, that they inspire a completely unwarranted level of trust in those with whom they come into contact. The people around them practically trip over themselves to support them, to aid them, and to believe them when all other evidence points to the contrary.

I’m the exact opposite of those people.

Apparently, I have what I would now like to coin as “Resting Con Face.” That is, people never believe or trust me ever, about anything, even when they have virtually every reason to.

“For whatever reason, that particular brand of distrust was reserved just for me.”

The Cut recently published a story about Anna “Delvey”, a young woman who has been convicted of bilking pretty much the entirety of the New York City social scene out of a staggering amount of money, services, and hospitality. There was no complex financial scheme, no conspiratorial cast of crooks working behind the scenes. She simply told everyone in New York that she had access to money, and they believed her.

For months, she racked up massive tabs and borrowed ridiculous sums from social contacts and seasoned professionals. At one point, according to the story, she racked up over…



Aaron DeBee

Freelance Writer/Blogger/Editor, veteran, Top Rated on Upwork, former Medium Top Writer in Humor, Feminism, Culture, Sports, NFL, etc.