What Chris Robinson Brotherhood Isn’t

The Nobility of True Passion and the Unadulterated Enjoyment of Art

Aaron DeBee
5 min readJul 19, 2018

Some bands are great for the things they are. They fulfill a cookie-cutter vision we’ve created, and they fulfill it well. Some musicians meet our mainstream, group-consciousness expectations and exceed them in ways we’ve not yet expected. They crash the charts with a fury, fill glossy posters with their polished looks, and drill their catchy, simplistic tunes into our minds just like we believe they should. We worship them for what they are.

The Chris Robinson Brotherhood makes no attempts at these things and no apologies for their decision not to. There are, undoubtedly, those superficial music fans who will see these as shortcomings. Those “fans” are missing the beauty of the Chris Robinson Brotherhood by looking in the wrong direction. Their genius lies not in what they are, but rather in what they are not.

“Chris Robinson isn’t another aging celebrity musician entertaining himself with an obscure pet project.”



Aaron DeBee
Aaron DeBee

Written by Aaron DeBee

Freelance Writer/Blogger/Editor, veteran, Top Rated on Upwork, former Medium Top Writer in Humor, Feminism, Culture, Sports, NFL, etc.

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